Wednesday, August 29, 2012


My first week of college is over, and I'm in love. I didn't think I would like school as much as I do but ok. back to reality... I'm up to my neck in homework, and psychology is the worst. (it helps that I also really. hate. psychology.) I had to take chemistry this fall and was really planning on failing it. If anyone can "teach" me chem, they are DOWN RIGHT AWESOME. Thank you, Lord, so much for my teacher this fall. I have really been blessed with such great professors esp. since I had no clue who I was getting. Last weekend was pretty much my last weekend. And so the studying begins- in other words, I'm becoming a  solitary nerd.

lately I have been:
- attempting to get up early and run or ride my bike (yeah, not working)
- trying to eat healthier esp. since I go to school everyday now
- drinking a lot of coffee 
- doing homework 
- becoming friends with some amazing people

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I love reading blogs and I've been looking for some active blogers. Keep it up!
    I'm glad your enjoying college, it's very surprising (with all that homework!) Anyway, good job bloging during the school year.
