Monday, December 17, 2012

Divine Interaction

It was a quiet Sunday. We were hanging out in the living room when suddenly my younger bro comes in with Haley. He's worked up. He looks worried. His voice is quivering.  Mom and dad are sitting on the couch; he walks up to them and says he's hurt himself.... Something's wrong. This dude never gets worked up like that.  He pulls up his shorts. He has a 5 inch laceration on the inside of his upper thigh. The cut is jagged, deep, and very serious looking. It turns my stomach. I don't even want to look at it. (normally this kind of stuff doesn't bother. But this was Joe, and it was serious).

If you ask my brother how in the world it happened, he'll tell you, "I have know idea. One minute I was riding my bike and the next I was laying on the ground. It just happened so fast." He told us he was ramping his bike over a couple of small hills in our front yard. Somehow the bike lost traction, and he flipped over it, landing straight on his back. We were amazed that something so simple as that would do so much damage. Somehow as he was flying over his bike, the break handle got him. He said it hurt so bad, he just laid there for a good few minutes. Believe it or not, he actually walked his bike back to the house and put it away! We joke about that. He obviously needed some support walking...

He hops himself up on the kitchen counter. Surprisingly there's no blood, just a deep, jagged, almost clean cut.  Mom is panic mode,"HE'S GOING TO THE ER." She places some sterile bandages on it, and Joe makes his way to the car. Dad sees Joe's shirt.... he needs a clean one. Haley, Dad, and I bring him each a shirt. Mom isn't too happy about it. She doesn't care about his clothes. She wants them to be on the way to the hospital. Haley and I stay home; mom and dad are going to keep us updated.

As soon as they make it too the ER, they are immediately put in a room. The first call we get is from dad. They made it to the hospital. They're in a room. Joe's getting set up. The second call several minutes later is from mom. She's bawling. "We almost lost Joseph". She's having a hard time talking and tells me to talk to dad. Dad explains that they had talked with the doctor. The doc had said Joe's main artery was exposed, and that he was very, very lucky he missed it. He also said he didn't bleed much because he had miss the main veins in his leg.

In the end, he gets 22 stitches and has been at the hospital for four hours. The entire time he cracked up, making jokes with the doctor and nurses. He actually told the doctor that he had some pretty good arms on him! Not once did he shed a tear.

Many of you have already heard at least part of Joseph's story, but not all of it. We are so thankful for all of your prayers and concerns! Ya'll are such a blessing to us!

It's been a week since it happen. We have to believe Providence was certainly in control. How can one be so lucky to miss their main veins and artery and not bleed with such a horrible wound?? It's simple. He wasn't lucky. He was blessed. Providence has way of showing His glory, power, and love through such events. We are so thankful for the Lord's interaction and blessing in our lives. Joseph is proof of that interaction.

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. 1 Chronicles 29:11-12

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